Bookworm Burrow

Book reviews on over 125 different books from several different genres. Use the search or categories to see more.

Suggest A Book… March 1, 2008

If there is something you would like reviewed or you think I should read and I do not have it on here leave a comment here or on any of my posts and I will get to it in the order it was received. I’m always looking forward to new books and this could help out everyone who comes to the blog. If I’ve read it but haven’t reviewed it yet I’ll post it in a day or two.

I am also willing to accept any works from authors or publishers who would like me to review their books.Ā  Contact me at to send me a copy.


30 Responses to “Suggest A Book…”

  1. emma Says:

    hattie big sky is just like fever but better if you loved Fever you will just adore this book

  2. Jenna Says:

    The series Warriors by Erin Hunter is a thrilling series about cats that live in the wild.

  3. Billie Says:

    I just finished reading these books and I love them all. If you like the book “The Giver” you will love these series of books by J. DuPrau. The city of Ember, The people of sparks, and The prophet of Yonwood. Another amazing book is by M. haddix called “Running out of time” I wish all these books never ended for the times when I was reading them were the best days of my life.

  4. capt.awesome Says:

    i LOVED(!) Twilight(stephenie meyer) and Uglies,Pretties and Specials(Scott Westerfield) are my favorite AT THE MOMENT; ) o, and my former favorie was the shadow children sequnce(Maragret Peterson Haddix)

  5. Bethesda Mama Says:

    I highly recommend the series by Megan Whalen Turner, The Thief, The Queen of Atolia and The King of Atolia. They have a lot of ancient greek mytholgy references which my pre-teens like, and the plots are all surprising and enjoyable.

    Also the Shredderman Series by Wendelin Van Draanen. This uses ageless issues kids deal with (bullies, environment, crime) and lets the no-so-cool kid be the hero using his brain, computer and need to do the right thing.

    My kids also love the Airborn, Silverwing and Artemis Fowl series.

    Great site.

  6. LouvreG Says:

    Well, my recommendation may not be one of those thrilling or exciting books, but nevertheless, I’d like to recommend the Anne and Avonlea series by L.M Montgomery. These tales leave a heart- warming effect and are feel good books that will always lighten your mood and think better of life as a whole. They are classics, but thats not a reason for suggesting them, but will never make you feel bad about yourself.

  7. carrotlover99 Says:

    the face on the milkcarton

  8. emily bryce Says:

    Okay……. you have to read IDENTICAL by Ellen Hopkins. i garantee it will surprise you at the end!

  9. emily Says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! You HAVE to read IDENTICAL by Ellen Hopkins.I garantee that it will surprise you in the end! And by the way, i absolutly lovvvvvvvvve the Twilight Saga by stephanie meyer. I think BREAKING DAWN is the best one in the series!

  10. Aubrey Says:

    I think you would enjoy the Land of Elyon series by Patrick Carman his website is It is a great short fantasy series with some really good messages.

  11. Kristen Says:

    The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. You may have already read this book, since it was recommended on Stephenie Meyer’s website, but if you haven’t, you’ve got to read it. It’s been a week since I’ve finished reading it, and I still just can’t get the story out of my head. I am already dying for the sequel, but I’m not even sure when that will be out.

  12. Sarah Says:

    May Bird and the Ever After and sequels by Jodie Lynn Anderson
    you just gotta read it!

  13. Akila Says:

    I loved A great and terrible beauty and its sequels! I also love the Among the Hidden Series by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

  14. Meagan Says:

    Hi! I just found your website and now I have a giant list of books to read šŸ™‚ I just finished PepperTide by Jack Weyland, its very good. I also liked Charly, again by Jack Weyland.

  15. Josie Says:

    Hello! I have tons of books I want to recommend but my absolute favorites are:
    Beka Cooper: Terrier by Tamora Pierce (actually anything by this amazing author is worth the read)
    Warrior Heir by Cinda Chima Williams

    Tell u more later!!

  16. beansie Says:

    You really ought to read D.M. Cornish’s Monster Blood Tattoo trilogy. Only the first two books are out, but the third will be soon.
    The books, Foundling and Lamplighter, are absolutely brilliant works of speculative fiction, and are set in a world that is, in my opinion, developed at a par with J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
    So, if you have a chance, and plenty of time (the first book is about four hundred or more pages long, the second is eight hundred or more), I would highly reccomend you read these novels!

    I’d also reccomend Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, Max Brooks’ World War Z, and China Mieville’s Perdido Street Station and The Scar.

  17. Keira Says:

    Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier, and if you love that book, then the sequel is Cybele’s Secret. Also, the Liveship Traders series (The Ship of Magic, The Mad Ship and The Ship of Destiny) by Robin Hobb is amazing.

  18. Lora Says:

    You’ll love beauty by Robin Mckinley, A long fatal love chase by Lousia May Alcott, speak by linda halse anderson.

  19. callesta Says:

    i would reccomend the books ruby holler and bloomability by sharoon creech

  20. BookGirl Says:

    I recommend Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons. It is a beautiful piece of literature.I am 12yrs. old and I absolutely fell inlove with it!

  21. Beth Says:

    You need to read A Great and Terrible Beauty (The Gemma Doyle Series.) That book series was probably the best I have ever read.

  22. i Says:

    The books i am reccomending are more for 10 to 13
    i highly reccomend-
    mocking jay- suzanne collins,models dont eat chocolate- erin dionne,troy high-shana norris,its not you its me kerry hoffmann,something to blog about-shana norris

  23. i Says:

    i STRONGLY reccomend
    the otherworld series
    the hunger games
    percy jackson and the olympians

  24. The Truth Says:

    I recommend Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. It’s a series of stories and the format by which its presented is very unique. The stories are also very well written and I think you’ll love it. It’s my favourite book! šŸ™‚ I like the story called “The Orison of Sonmi ~ 451” the most. It’s the fourth story or maybe fifth. Read the whole thing and you’ll see what I mean…

  25. Anonymous Says:

    I definitely recommend ‘Peaches’, ‘The Secrets of Peaches’ and ‘Love and Peaches’ great series by Jodie Lynn Anderson

  26. Anonymous Says:

    I recommend the book East by Edith Pattou, and The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike. They are both really good.

  27. Anonymous Says:

    You’re the only one who writes book reveiws. Why can’t everyone put thier own book reveiws on here.

    P.S. You should really read more romance books, other than the one they’re all by meg cabot.

  28. anna Says:

    everyone should try the secret series. i had a blast while reading it. it even has a really cool website called

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